Saturday, July 19, 2008


by Anton Chekhov; translated from the Russian (English title: "The Cherry Orchard") by Ole Grepp
Premiere 22 September 1971
Nationaltheatret Hovedscenen
Genre: Comedy

Directed by Jan Kacer

Cast includes:

Urda Arneberg as Ljubov Andrejevna Ranjevskaja
Sverre Anker Ousdal as Semjon Jepikhodov

Act 2.
YEPIKHODOV. As a matter of fact, independently of everything else, I must express my feeling, among other things, that fate has been as pitiless in her dealings with me as a storm is to a small ship. Suppose, let us grant, I am wrong; then why did I wake up this morning, to give an example, and behold an enormous spider on my chest, like that. [Shows with both hands] And if I do drink some kvass, why is it that there is bound to be something of the most indelicate nature in it, such as a beetle? [Pause] Have you read 'Buckle'? [Pause] I should like to trouble you, Avdotya Fedorovna, for two words.

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